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Experiment catalogue

This is the QruiseOS library of characterisation experiments. Please click on an experiment in the navigation sidebar to read more about it.

As explained in Running a task, an experiment task consists of a measurement and an analysis of the data.

To leverage Qruise-defined measurements and analysis, they should be imported from the qruise.measurements and qruise.experiments modules, respectively.

In the two following tables, we link characterisation experiments with the corresponding measurement and analysis classes in QruiseOS.

Notice that sometimes, two different experiments share a same measurement class, like all three Amplitude Rabi experiments. This is because a measurement can be instantiated and run with different set of arguments (which reflect different intentions, like coarse or fine sampling).

One-qubit experiments

Experiment name Measurement class Analysis class Measured Parameter
AllXY AllXY AllXYAnalysis
Amplitude Rabi (0-1 states) AmplitudeRabiMeasurement AmplitudeRabiAnalysis \(\pi\)-pulse amplitude
Amplitude Rabi (1-2 states) AmplitudeRabiMeasurement AmplitudeRabiAnalysis \(\pi\)-pulse amplitude
Calibrate pi amplitude With ping-pong PingPongMeasurement PingPongAnalysis \(\pi\)-pulse amplitude
Calibrate pi/2 amplitude with ping-pong PingPongMeasurement PingPongAnalysis \(\frac{\pi}{2}\)-pulse amplitude
Calibrate pi/2 amplitude with ping-pong (1-2 states) PingPongMeasurement PingPongAnalysis \(\frac{\pi}{2}\)-pulse amplitude
Cryoscope CryoscopeMeasurement CryoscopeAnalysis
DRAG calibration DRAGMeasurement DRAGAnalysis DRAG amplitude, \(\lambda_{\text{DRAG}}\)
Pulsed qubit spectroscopy PulsedSpectroscopyMeasurement PulsedSpectroscopyAnalysis qubit resonance frequency, \(\omega_q\)
Pulsed qubit spectroscopy (1-2 states) PulsedSpectroscopyEFMeasurement PulsedSpectroscopyAnalysis qubit resonance frequency (1-2), \(\omega_{q12}\)
Pulsed qubit spectroscopy per flux FluxSpectroscopyMeasurement FluxSpectroscopyAnalysis qubit resonance frequency as a function of flux, \(\omega_{q}(\varphi_{ext})\)
Ramsey RamseySpectroscopyMeasurement RamseyAnalysis qubit resonance frequency, \(\omega_{q}\)
Ramsey (1-2 states) RamseySpectroscopyMeasurement RamseyAnalysis12 qubit resonance frequency (1-2), \(\omega_{q12}\)
Randomisedbenchmarking RandomizedBenchmarking RandomizedBenchmarkingAnalysis gate (in)fidelity
Readout contrast (0-1 states) ReadoutContrastMeasurement ReadoutContrastAnalysis readout power and frequency
Readout discriminator training (0-1 states) ReadoutDiscriminatorTrainMeasurement ReadoutOneStateDiscriminationAnalysis state discriminator
Resonator spectroscopy ResonatorSpectroscopyMeasurement ResonatorSpectroscopyAnalysis resonator frequency, \(\omega_{r}\)
Resonator filter spectroscopy ResonatorSpectroscopyMeasurement ResonatorSpectroscopyAnalysis Purcell filter frequency, \(\omega_{f}\)
T1 T1Measurement T1Analysis relaxation time, \(T_1\)
T2 CPMG with delay sweep T2CPMGDelaySweep T2CPMGAnalysis dephasing time, \(T_2\)
T2 CPMG with pulse number sweep T2CPMGPulseNumberSweep T2CPMGAnalysis dephasing time, \(T_2\)
T2 echo T2EchoMeasurement T2EchoAnalysis dephasing time, \(T_2\)
T2* Ramsey T2StarRamseyMeasurement T2StarCoherence pure dephasing time, \(T_2^*\)

Two-qubit experiments

Experiment name Measurement class Analysis class Measured Parameter
CZ Chevron QubitQubitCouplingMeasurement QubitQubitCouplingAnalysis
Correlated readout error CorrelatedReadoutErrorMeasurement CorrelatedReadoutErrorAnalysis
Coupler spectroscopy CouplerSpectroscopyMeasurement CouplerSpectroscopyAnalysis
Cross resonance amplitude sweep CrossResonanceAmplitudeSweep CrossResonanceAmplitudeSweepAnalysis
Cross resonance phase sweep CrossResonancePhaseSweep CrossResonancePhaseSweepAnalysis
Cross resonance quantum process tomography CrossResonanceTomography CrossResonanceTomographyAnalysis
Flux crosstalk Ramsey FluxCrosstalkMeasurement FluxCrosstalkAnalysis
Interleaved randomised benchmarking of cross resonance CNOT gate InterleavedRandomizedBenchmarking InterleavedRandomizedBenchmarkingAnalysis
Quantum Process Tomography QuantumProcessTomography QuantumProcessTomographyAnalysis
Qubit-qubit coupling QubitQubitCouplingMeasurement QubitQubitCouplingAnalysis
ZZ coupling ZZCouplingMeasurement ZZCouplingAnalysis residual ZZ coupling, \(\xi\)
ZZ coupling per coupler flux ZZCouplingCouplerFluxMeasurement ZZCouplingCouplerFluxAnalysis residual ZZ coupling, \(\xi\)